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Why Can't Elephants Jump?
A bumper book of communicative classroom activities

by Steve Hampshire & Michael Bastings

A4; 167pp

Why Can’t Elephants Jump? is a “leaping” collection of 33 fun-packed, tried and tested language practice activities presented with supportive step-by-step lesson plans and a comprehensive language support section to help you to get the most out of the materials.
本書は33のアクティビ ティー、レッスン・プラン、日本語の索引も含まれます。

Why Can’t Elephants Jump? is full of adaptable 50-minute teaching ideas and copiable materials with follow-up activities, activity additions, and variations that are easy use and cover a wide variety of language areas, student levels and class sizes. 
各レッスンは使いやす く、範囲が幅広く、様々なレベルの生徒に使えます。

Why Can’t Elephants Jump? is fully bilingual, making it an ideal resource for Japanese and native speaker teacher team-taught classes.
日本語訳もあり、日本人 教職員もネイティブ教職員も使えます。

Use this book for:
* Junior / Senior high school Oral Communication classes
* Extra support for school coursebooks
* JLT and ALT team-teaching
* ESS classes 
* Revitalizing students’ interest in English
* Making memorable moments in active English classes!
* 中学・高校の英会話授業、チーム・ティーチング授業、英語部活などに使えます。




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